
















〈中部経済新聞 「中経論壇」平成26年5月20日掲載 池田桂子〉


How to handle transactions with companies in the so called “Gray Zone”.

Just after checking all of the account books, every company busies themselves in the preparation for the general meeting of shareholders. Recently we seldom watch or pay very much attention at the Sokaiya in terms of asking some vital questions at the meeting of shareholders. However we may focus and aim questions directly to management, during those descriptions, issues may arise such as obligations, violation resolutions, rescission and lawsuits that can be brought to court.  As a result we cannot neglect preparing a strong defense in preparation for those possibilities. There are precedents as far as legal judgments that companies should show the materials held by the relevant resolutions and shareholder questions. Questions that may be brought up by shareholders are to be considered and should be comprehensively offered by the company which owes, and has a duty as to the description which is, and should be a prerequisite to voting shareholders and they may conduct and be afforded a reasonable period of understanding and judgment of any issues which were discussed. It is one of the topics that are of great concern, as well as a great source of worry about gang’s exclusion (a violent rejection) response problem.

The Gang Elimination Act advocates, do not use, do not cooperate, and do not socialize with gang associates, these are the basic principles.

Last fall, a mega-M Bank affiliate made possible a cash loan against an anti-social force (known gangsters were involved) with prompted an stringent inspection with the support from the Financial Services Agency, which brought social criticism which was raised with reference to the authorities in that case.

Companies who engage in B to C business, and have a huge number of suppliers may not say, or claim that this is none of my business or that this is not my problem. Company personnel as well cannot have any personal involvement with known gangsters.

Prior to the conclusion of any contract in a case in which there is  suspected and uncertain attributes of the other party, with the lack of recognition or  lacking credible articles at that point, they choose to decline without reason which is enough and has no further ramifications. However after making an agreement canceling a signed agreement needs legal reasons and legal grounds. A signed contract needs far more evidence, and involves negotiations with the counterparty. The use of legal arguments, the Gang Elimination Act may be used and considered by trial and error and disabled with the violation of Public Order and Public Morals, etc.

That is not enough information about the other party to seek an agreement in the negotiations. This was a problem point then, rather than spend time in business improvement an order against M Bank was found to be lending to anti-social known gangsters. M Bank did not conduct a lenders entrance check for more than two years and now understands the problem. I think that is essential at the entrance of loan negations with regard to customer transactions that you do not neglect the necessary information management, and data gathering, when all information has been gathered, as requested then an answer of black or white can be issued. Your risk will again be far higher if greater accuracy of their personal information in your company database is the only source reviewed. If you join in Nationwide Violence Exile Centers, etc. the regular anti-social forces data base is constantly updated and delivery of an individual’s attributes can be included in a query. You may also, by using the process of the examination of the stock of a company used in an IPO, M & A documentation and the use of private investigation companies, enter information on a daily basis, checking is the most important portion used to determine whether an answer of black or white is made.

<Keiko Ikeda published May 20, 2014 Chubu Keizai Shimbun “medium through Tribune” Heisei>